Doug W Kelly - Online Memorial Website

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Doug Kelly
Born in New York
31 years
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Sing like no one can hear, Dance like no one is watching and live each day like it were your last........... "Grieve not nor speak of me with tears... But Laugh and talk of me as though I were beside you. I loved you so...'Twas Heaven here with you"




Love, Loyalty &





This site has been created in loving memory of

 Doug Kelly

November 11, 1976 - April 10, 2008

  This is a place of solace for all to express their life's experiences and share in the many many happy and fun times we have all shared with him. 


To know Doug was to love him.  The light of Doug's heart is evident in all of us that he touched for a moment in time, but changed our lives forever.  A prince among the peasants, a son, brother, uncle, father and friend.



Doug's love for those he cared for is a lasting legacy to the man he was.  For 31 years an angel walked among us here on earth. 



Doug's passion for music was reflected in his everyday life with the fun of karaoke, good times spent hanging out with those who cared most for him.  He was hard working but yet never said no to someone who needed a shoulder or a hug regardless how tired he was. He cherished the time spent with his family and you could tell by the way he spoke of them and the way his eyes lit up how proud he was to be a daddy and an uncle to all of the children, both within his own family as well as the ones that called him uncle from respect.


A son to two very special parents and brother to an equally special brother and sister, grandson, father and uncle and concidered a brother by heart to so many others, he will always be remembered and loved and deeply missed. 




Please feel free to express your feelings, to share your photos in the gallery, stories of him or just anything you feel the need to say here in the Memories section, post music that will always conjure thoughts of Doug in the Audio section or you can light a candle in his name in the candle section.   




Let us always celebrate his life and the legacy he has left behind.....


Safely Home

I am home in heaven, dear ones.

Oh, so happy and so bright!

There is perfect joy and beauty

In this everlasting light.

All the pain and grief is over,

Every restless tossing passed,

I am now at peace forever,

Safely home in Heaven at last.

Did you wonder why I so calmly

Trod the valley of the shade?

Oh, but Jesus' love illumined

Every dark and fearful glade.

There is work still waiting for you,

So you must not idly stand;

Do it now, while life remaineth-

You shall rest in Jesus' land.

When that work is all completed

He will gently call you Home;

Oh, the rapture of that meeting,

Oh, the joy to see you come!













Among Doug's belongings, hidden away in a jewelry box, his dad has found something close to Doug's heart and has shared this with all of us.  I can recall Doug recititing this to me just after his deployment to protect our home shores after the 9/11 attacks.  To see it now, I heed this as a sign from Doug asking for all of us, to draw upon our faith and each other to help through this hard time.  If you really listen, you can hear Doug reading this aloud. 

Thank you Mr. Kelly for sharing this very personal piece with us all.  


"Father- In this time of tragedy,

We pray for strength and peace,

In this time of mourning,

We pray for Hope and Sight,

In this time of Terror and Mayhem,

We pray for your hand, to guide us."


"Father- What our Future Holds,

Is Hazey and Unclear,

To us, to our Families and our Friends and our loved ones.

The now is at hand, oh Lord, and as each hour passes,

The Uncertainty of what the next will bring holds stressful in our hearts.

For this oh Lord, We pray for the serenity, Courage and Wisdom."

"In Closing,  oh Lord,- We Pray your unconditional love, your unequivitable wisdom will touch us, keep strong with our Loved ones.

And Guide us all to achieve our goals, as one.

For all of this, Oh Lord, And for the thoughts and Prayers we offer in the silence of our hearts,

We pray in your Holy name, Amen"





By Canon Henry Scott-Holland
Death is nothing.
I have only passed into the next room.
I am ME, you are you.
What we were for each other, we are ALWAYS.
Call me by the name you have always used.
Speak to me as you have always done.
Change not your tone.
Be not solemn or sad in any manner,
Laugh at the things we laughed at together.
Pray,Smile,Think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be spoken at home as it has been.
Without emphasis of any kind or any trace of darkness.
Life means what it has always meant.
It is what it has always been.
The thread has not been cut, cause I am in the other room.
WHY would I be out of your thoughts because I am out of sight.
I wait for you.
I am not far away.
Just on the other side of the road.
 Thanks to the donation of Doug's dear friend Alison, this site will be available forever... Thank you.


To contact me regarding the site or any problems with postings or requests, my direct email is




