Alison |
Our Angel Doug! |
April 15, 2009 |
As we all think of our dear friend, brother, son, uncle, father, cousin, etc. Doug Kelly I am sure we all have heavy hearts. The 1 year mark has just past since Doug’s passing and it doesn’t seem like our wounds have even started to heal. The heart still aches and the sadness/emotions still hit hard, some days worse then others. Whoever said time heals all wounds must not have known someone like Doug and then lost them.
Doug was an amazing person! Doug had a heart of gold. He was an amazing friend. A person who didn’t know how to say no to someone in trouble (whether the problem BIG or small). A person who knew, how to have fun and make friends wherever he went. A person who knew, how to surprise people in the greatest ways (whether by a phone call, a letter, a visit, a text, etc). A person who knew, how to make a person laugh at the silliest things. A person who knew, how to listen when someone needed an ear. A person who knew, how to lend a shoulder when someone needed to shed a tear. A person who knew, when a person was in need of a friend without them ever saying a word. There are so many ways to describe the person Doug was. As I have always said, if Doug came into your life for even 1 min. he left an impression for a lifetime.
To me he was a friend, a friend that I was blessed to meet from day one, a friend that has meant the world for me for 14 years even though some time was missing, a friend that will mean the world to me forever! Doug will always and forever hold a special place in my heart! Doug will never be forgotten; the memories he has bestowed upon me are cherished and will always be held near and dear.
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who was blessed to have known Doug sometime in their lives as this one year anniversary has come and gone and as the thoughts of last year and all the years’ prior creep into our minds maybe a little more then usual.
Doug please be with us all in our times of need and/or in our times of celebrations now and forever!
Thank you Doug!
Thank you for everything.
We all LOVE you!
We all MISS you!

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January 28, 2009 |
As we enter the New Year, many of us are likely reflecting on the past twelve months. As we recall the heartaches and sadness, let us also reflect on the new friendships that have formed and the truths we have discovered. I believe this is the legacy that our friend would want to leave for us all... each in our own unique way. May 2009 bring each and every one of us peace, love, health, and happiness.
Alison |
Amazing Friend |
November 10, 2008 |
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has ever met Doug! I know Doug has met ALOT of people over the years and I am sure he has touch everyone of your hearts. As I like to say "to know Doug is to love him". Doug was and still is an AMAZING person. He is someone anyone would be proud to call their friend.
Today being the 7 month anniversary of his passing brings a hard day for us here on earth for his family, his friends, his loved one, etc. We all still feel the heart ache of the day we found out Doug is no longer with us. We all still feel that Doug left this earth WAY too soon. We still feel Doug deserved a LONGER life.
Today we all mourn for our friend. Tomorrow we all mourn for our friend as we wish him a happy birthday. One thing I know is as we feel the pain and mourn for our friend in our own ways or friend Doug watches over us, does his best to show us he is there in our lives in spirit, and does his best to be our guardian angel.
DOUG IS OUR ANGEL (who probably is visiting with those who have gone before us, singing his days away, and probably laughing at all of us when we do silly things.)
In my mind Doug is living as we know Doug to live as the same old Doug just with no pain.
Lisa (Barrett) Sullivan |
to the family |
October 24, 2008 |
our thoughts are with all of Doug's family now, around the 6-month mark, and always. he was a wonderful human being with the biggest heart a friend could ever ask for. not a day passes that he isn't thought about in the most favorable manner.
xoxo to you all.
Lisa & John Sullivan
Alison |
Our Singing Angel |
October 10, 2008 |
Thought of you with love today
But that is nothing new
Thought about you yesterday
and days before that too
I think of you in silence
I often speak your name
Now all I have is memories
and your picture in a frame
Your memory is my keepsake
With which I’ll never part
God has you in his keeping
I have you in my heart
As we are upon the 6 month anniversary of your assention into heaven it doesn't seem like the coping has gotten any easier. They say "time heals all" but I think a number of us are struggling to believe that. I know we all feel a great void in our lives, a void that you use to fill with your kindness, your friendship, your shoulder when we needed it, your healing hugs, you words of wisdom, your hey yous, your smiling face, and your infectious laugh. I am sure I can speak for many when I say that void will NEVER be filed. You are/were a unique and amazing person and you always will be. I miss you more then words could ever express. Please continue to be a part of my life as one of my angels. I love you buddy!
Mary Sciacca |
Bowling Partner |
September 27, 2008 |
In our lifetime we sadly have to say goodbye
to those we love but our memories can never be taken away...
Bowling with your Mom and Dad
keeps your memory close to my heart
and I know that you are watching over all of us.
Be my guardian angel and throw a strike for me 
Sending a prayer that cherished memories
will bring comfort and peace to your family.
I will love you son you will always be...
With Love from your Bowling Buddy
Mother Mary
Mike O'Connell |
My Condolences |
August 15, 2008 |
I never met Doug, but I was/am friends with Deb and Tom. I recently got back in touch with Deb and learned of this tragedy. Knowing the kind of people Deb and Tom are it's easy to see why Doug would have had so many friends and touched so many lives. They are some of the most genuine people I've had the pleasure of meeting in my life. My condolences to the entire family. To Doug's parents, take pride in knowing that all the good things said about him are a reflection of you and your love.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Anon |
Rest In Peace Doug |
July 27, 2008 |
Recently found out about Doug's passing, and I am deeply saddened that an old friend is no longer with us. I was friends with Doug back in the junior/high school days and truly enjoyed the times I "hung" with Doug. Lazy summers at Subways, Massa-pizza, and the walks home from Burner JHS!
Rest in Peace Doug.
From an old time friend.
Loretta Dreyfus/Laurie |
My Condolences |
June 17, 2008 |
Hello, I did not know Doug Kelly during his lifetime but coming here tonight and talking with Sandy Z. I have come to know what a very special and kind person Doug was. The pictures and the words written about him and the memories that Sandy has of such a loving, caring and fun person make me realize that I would have gotten along very well with him, had I ever met him. I know Sandy through PetLoss Grief Support chat room where she is so giving with everybody and always says such sensitive things to ease their pain. When I heard about Doug I had to come here and give back to a very special person. Yet now I see that that there are a whole group of special persons here in the Kelly family and in the friends of Doug. He was quite a guy and I am so sorry for your untimely loss and heartache. My E-mail is and I would like to come here to visit again , as it is a wonderful tribute and a very peaceful site too. Thank you for providing a place where those who care about Doug can share his memory. Loretta/HopeWolf
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