One year and two months ago you departed this world for, I hope, a better way/place. Memories of you are always with me and at times they bring me to tears, other times I still laugh at what we had together. I can remember the soccer games and the determined look on your small face. Remember Disneyland? You got hurt just like your brother did, went to the same hospital and you enjoyed being in the lime light with your little hand all wrapped up. I can remember being the barbecue cook at your July 4th parties, talking to the cops when they showed up wondering what the Hell was going on and yes also being the party bouncer. So many memories of you wherever I go, Dunkin Donuts, soccer fields, bowling alley, Pontiac dealership, shooting range but the one that really gets to me is the sight and smell of the ocean, Oh how much you enjoyed that. I can remember the first time I took you fishing, we went to pier and nobody was there but us, you didn’t care that you didn’t catch a large fish, just a very small one; you just enjoyed the sights and smells. While we were at the pier a very friendly old gentleman came along and He and I got to talking, you just kept fishing and paid no attention to us, never did tell you the old gentlemen stated nobody fishes at this pier anymore, no fish around. Some of my memories have been filed away in my mind and they jump right out when something comes along that brings it out. Today I ran across all your awards you save from the junior bowling league you were in at 300 Bowl, everything came back, our first father/son tournament, my sitting at the table watching you develop that super high backswing, your first 200 game and yes some of your very bad games. What stands out the most in my memories of you was your strong determination to be the best at whatever you were doing and guess what my son you were the best. All I have left of you is memories and I’m sorry to say it is not enough, I want the hug, the smile and the Hey You just one more time.
One of my all time favorite memories with Doug had to do with a night out with a group of friends at a bar. Doug was to leave to return to San Diego the following morning. We all went out that night to celebrate and Doug had gotten soo drunk that in the car on the way back home, a cop car pulled up next to us and here's Doug hanging out the car window at 4 in the morning screaming at the cops, " Hey officer, there's no blood in my alcohol stream. The cops just laughed.
Christmas day 2007, your mother in the kitchen cooking, everybody looking forward to the day. You had an idea of coming home for Christmas and not telling your mother, you would be her gift. It went off perfectly, Christmas Eve you arrived at your sisters house and stayed overnight. Christmas day all the Grand kids and Debbie came over to the house, the no sooner had they gotten their coats off and you called your mother from your car. Your mother stopped everything and talk to you from the kitchen phone, later I found out that you told your mother to hang on the reception on your phone was bad. After sneaking into the house, you continued the conversation from the living room, your mother even comment on how clear the phone was, it was at that point you walked into the kitchen, the joy and happiness on your mothers face was worth it. I caught hell later for not telling your mother about your arrival, she was upset that we had mailed you your Christmas gifts and now had nothing under the tree for you ( NOT True did not send the gifts). That was the best Christmas this family had in a long time, usually you were somewhere were you could not come home. It is this memory that will stay with me until I meet you .