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Soutien du chagrin
Doug Kelly
Né àNew York
31 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Les Mémoires

Today it was nine years ago when the world, as we knew it, fell apart. I can remember getting ready for work and hearing the news on the radio, running out and turning on the TV and watching the Tower come down, I can remember calling in and finding out I had to get to work ASAP. I can remember sitting and fighting traffic trying to get into JFK, I tried every back road I had learned in my 30 somewhat years of traveling into JFK, after four hours I turned back. But the memory that stands out amongst all the turmoil was of me praying to GOD, while sitting in traffic, to keep you out of Harm’s Way, I knew we were going to go to war to rid this world of these sick people and I knew that you would be exposed in some way. I made a promise to GOD that if you were kept safe and sound I would keep the promise I made and I am still doing it. Many people have lost loved ones that day and the war that followed many son and daughters lost their lives, GOD kept His promise to me and me to Him, but I feel that HE threw me a curve by taking you away so soon in your young life.

Today Joey and I were talking about driving a car, he's still not of age yet but wants to know. I told him the story about your first driving lesson we had, took you to a big open parking lot and put you behind the wheel. You did everything by the book and I was slightly amazed at how well you handle everything, so I said go ahead and drive us home, at that point everything went south. You did great getting onto Sunrise highway, did not speed and all was well till the first red light. Without even slowing down you made a right turn ( signal on of course) on red into a main intersection, barely ahead of a large truck  and acted like nothing was wrong but that changed when I yelled to pull over NOW. After chewing your butt about making right turn on RED , you reply was 'But Dad it says in the book that right turn on red is allowed what are you getting so upset about? With that you took out the book and read what it said about right turn on red,and gave me the book to read, after reading the section I asked you what the first sentance said, you replied Right turn on red is permitted. I said O.K. what does the book say after that, you said in New York state. Gave you back the book and told you to read it outloud to me, right after permitted came out of your mouth , you stop , put the book away and said in a very low voice after a full stop........... That turned out to be a joke between you and me. I pass that red light everyday and it always bring you back to me for a short while.

Thinking back today of the times we brought Mom and Dad toast with Jelly in their bed for breakfast in bed.. and the time you and Tommy thought it would be great to put the little non-parells all over it. lol. I remember you adding those little silver shaped sprinkles too. The coffee we made was like mud, but boy how proud we all were of that meal!

Over the years your culinary skills certainly improved, and you became an awesome cook. Calling Mom, Dad or me for recipe suggestions or to share the recipe of something new that you made. Heck, you even text me with some new recipes for shots at the bar!! hahaha.

God Doug, I miss you so much. This pain is so unbearable at times. Wish you were here to make more memories with, we had so many more to make. Now who the hell am I going to chase around in my wheel chair 60 years from now??

Miss you, love you

Missing ya, kid.  Remembering the years we spent camped out in one of our homes (yours, Chris', Carmine's, mine... didn't matter).  Wishing I had been a better man and not let time get away from.  You were a better man than you ever gave yerself credit for, Doug.  Better than the credit I get, and of greater calibre then some of the folks I credit these days.  Words are meaningless pablum.  But... I miss ya, Doug.  Keep the bleachers warm for those of us soon to join ya.  Love you, brother.
Last night I was laying in bed tossing and turning and pictures just kept popping in to my head. Visions of so many things we did as kids and teens, and even as adults. Living, laughing and just having great times always, no matter what we could always pull each other through anything.
One memory kept replaying over and over. I have no idea how old you were actually. If I had to guess, I figure you were around 14-18 MONTHS old. You and I were in your old room at home, now named the Den. I climbed in to your crib to play with you. It was late in the evening. I kept putting my arms out to get you to walk to me across your crib. You would step, then fall down, then laugh like crazy, which made me laugh so hard too. Then Mom came in. I knew I was in trouble for being in your crib. But you got up and took some steps towards me, never taking your eyes off of Mom. She smiled so bright when you landed in my arms. Completely forgetting that i was there in your crib, lol, which I am sure i had been told a million times NOT to do. She was so proud of your walking. We spent what seemed like hours in that crib with you walking back and forth to me. Laughing and pointing at the Seseme Street curtains, then running across the crib. It was great! Then Dad came and got us out and we all went to see Star Wars at the Drive In movie. Had to have been the first time ever for that too. I remember playing Peek-A-Boo with you using a blue blanket in the station wagon that night. Interesting, i don't remember much of seeing Star Wars though. LOL. Guess we were busy having fun :-)
Geesh Doug, I remember it like it was yesterday. Memories are all so vivid. I wish you were here so we could make more memories together. 31 years of them was not enough.
I love you Doug. Thanks for always being my everything and giving me all these wonderful memories.
Les Mémoires Totales: 33
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